Meet 托马斯年代.

Respiratory Therapy

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当一个哈德逊山谷社区学院的校友成为一所学院的校长, it is an achievement worth celebrating.

托马斯年代triplin, Ed.D., a graduate of Hudson Valley’s Class of ‘81, 一直担任摩尔菲尔德东西弗吉尼亚社区技术学院的校长, West Virginia for the past two years. When he started right here in Troy, 纽约, he had a long journey ahead, but his innate leadership skills, immense dedication, 他得到了大家的支持,才有了今天的成就.

1979年,长曲棍球把斯特普林这位杰出的运动员带到了哈德逊河谷. Although he performed well on the field, his first year of college was a bit of a challenge, both financially and academically.

He expresses that the journey was truly challenging, 他还赞扬了一些重要的人,他们一路上提供了坚定的支持. "During that time, my car was out of commission, 我要感谢帕蒂·海兰(Patty Hyland,现在是学院心肺与急诊医学系的系主任)和其他愿意载我的人, as well as my roommate, who had a car and willingly assisted me. Without them, I doubt I could have succeeded. 有必要认识到,学生们往往不愿分享他们的挣扎, but when someone, be it a faculty member, 同学, 或朋友, reaches out and offers support, 它是决定成败的决定性因素."

Reflecting on his early days as a new student, Striplin recollects that, 在呼吸护理课程的每个考试之后, the top three test scores were posted on the board. As a freshman, he never found his name on that list, 承认自己没有尽自己所能去努力. 然而, 当他的一位教授花时间和他谈论他的工作并对他的成功潜力提出挑战时,一切都改变了. 这次相遇成为斯特里普林转变心态的强大动力,并证明别人对他的真实能力的看法是错误的.

It’s not just about having the potential, as Striplin now explains, but about actually doing something with it. 在意识到他没有充分发挥自己的潜力之后,他在第二年更加努力地学习. As a result, his grades improved, he made the Dean’s list, 他发现自己总是排在排行榜的前三名. 他继续获得呼吸治疗的副学士学位, 带着美好的回忆和一系列新的目标离开了哈德逊河谷.

“I loved being at Hudson Valley. I loved playing lacrosse there. 这是我第一次离开家,感觉很有趣。. “我接受的教育和老师都很棒,这是美好的两年. 我了解了很多关于我自己和我需要做的事情.”

但对斯特普林来说,哈德逊河谷只是一个开始. 他继续在索尔兹伯里的索尔兹伯里州立大学获得呼吸治疗学士学位, 马里兰; and both a master’s in education in Health, Health Psychology, 在弗罗斯特堡的弗罗斯特堡州立大学获得教育领导教育学博士学位, 马里兰.

在加入马里兰阿勒格尼学院担任教员之前, he had an extensive background in healthcare, accumulating several years of experience. For an impressive 27 years, 他曾担任呼吸护理项目的临床教育主任, 达到了他职业生涯的顶峰,成为一名正教授. Throughout his tenure as a professor, 他致力于与学生建立有意义的联系,并认识到他们在大学旅程中遇到的困难和障碍. 他明白一次简单谈话的重要性,以及真诚关心他人幸福的影响, 意识到这样的姿态可以带来超乎想象的改变生活的转变. 2015年,他获得了创新联盟优秀教师奖.

Striplin continued to progress in his career, 最终成为阿勒格尼学院文理学院院长. 此外,他还在阿勒格尼县教育委员会任职数年. Throughout his tenure, he made it a priority to be a genuine collaborator, 重视积极倾听他人意见的重要性,并承认挑战不可避免地会出现.

“最重要的技能之一是承认他人的立场,以便达成共识,他说. 事实上, he’s fond of the Abraham Lincoln quote, “In order to win a man your cause, you must first reach his heart, the great high road to his reason.”

今天, 斯特普林目前担任东西弗吉尼亚社区和技术学院院长,他秉承了这种精神, 他于2021年被任命为该职位,该职位需要强有力的领导, but also consensus building.

斯特普林说,他真的很享受总统的工作, 他之前在各种高等教育职位上的经验使他对学院的项目都很了解, faculty concerns, student services and workforce demands, 同时也有很强的与多个受众合作完成共同目标的能力.

他还表示,他将把自己描述为一位“人民总统”.斯特里普林解释说:“我的领导风格非常与众不同,而且很有创新精神。. “I want to hear what you have to say. I want to hear your ideas. I want you to come to my office. Tell me how we can solve problems. I just try to make people feel comfortable.”

斯特普林为自己的办公室一直敞开,任何人都可以进来而感到自豪. “There is no barrier,他说. 他喜欢去了解所有和他一起工作的人, 因此,他经常在大学里亲自与人交谈,并参观不同的部门. “这是为了让人们走出办公室,让人们觉得畅所欲言是可以的,他说. 他希望这种方法能帮助他解决任何出现的文化问题, and inspire people to work together as a team.

“我总是告诉整个大学社区的一件事是,你们都是这所大学的主人,他说. “This community owns this college. 我不. I'm just holding a different position. 我是主席,但实际上,我只是这个组织的一部分. I happen to be at the top, 但这并不意味着我比其他老师或学生更重要. 我在这里尽我的一份力,确保我们作为一个组织实现我们的使命和目标.”